Tuesday, December 29, 2009


As I look back over the last year I am happy, sad, reflective, impressed and anxious. This last year has been a year of ups and downs. First my job. I have had favor at this place since I started here twelve years ago. It is awesome. I'm not one of those people who have to look at my job begrudgingly. I started to get bored and secretly prayed for God to enlarge my territory and with that my company acquired 3 more companies in merger now I'm too busy to get bored. 2ND my husband. Things are better than ever. Every fight turns into getting to know each other better to where we don't have to travel down that road again. Every argument or disagreement is a stepping stone to build us up higher. He is now my best friend. He works a nerve Lord yes but he gives me unconditional love. He is not perfect but he's perfect for me. He does not allow me to say "I look ugly or I'm fat" he actually gets down right upset. He tells me I am beautiful everyday and express his love for me constantly. It takes getting used to someone showering you with love like that but I thank God for it everyday. 3rd my friends. I have lost one due to bad judgement on my part. But I pray for them. I learned that actions can lead to heart break & they can hurt. You would think at 30 something I would learn this lesson but it was a hard one I accept full responsibility and maybe one day the friendship can be repaired. I have the best circle of friends. Time can take its toll on friendships. I don't have as much time to spend with my friends but my goal is to make time as much as possible. We are not as close as we once were but the love I have for them is still very strong. I have regained a friendship that I thought was lost but time has healed wounds and love has won. 4Th my family. I love my family. the devil tried to separate me and my sister but he is a liar and our friendship is stronger than ever. My mom and dad are healthy. My brother is well. I have forged a friendship with my mother and my sister in law that goes beyond my husband. Life is Good. God has been good. I have seen him answer blessings and there is a blessing I'm still waiting on but delayed does not mean denied so I am still in anticipation. So happy new year followers. Love like there is no tomorrow and dare to dream..peace until 2010

Tuesday, December 22, 2009



Friday, December 4, 2009


Winter is my favorite time of year. I love everything about this time of year. Its cuddle weather feels like love. This time of year Family and friends become closer and sweeter to one another. Although I love getting gifts...I love getting gifts..LOL , I love being around my family and friends more. We get together eat, laugh, celebrate and love. My mommy always made sure the holidays were special and now we do the same for my nephew. Unfortunately not all my family is close but at least this year I got my baby sister. I LOVE HER and I want the best for her. She is a talented beautiful young lady and I am happy she is believing what God says about her. I'll pray for those family members who have decided to isolate themselves. I pray that one day they will quit looking from the past & begin to see the future we could build as a family. So make sure this year you take out the time to make it a happy holiday.

Friday, October 16, 2009


This is a writing that I found I did in 2004..you know its awesome when you wow yourself

I feel invisible in a world where I'm constantly noticed. I get compliments all the time. You're beautiful, you're sweet, but they don't really see me. No one truly knows the pain and the emptiness I sometimes feel inside. Not all the time just sometimes. I stand there and I feel like I am gonna disappear. I'm gonna just fade away and no one will notice. The times when I'm alone and I try to hear God's voice to give me answers to what my next move should be, what my next steps should be and I hear SILENCE! My soul feels empty, I feel alone. I know that Jesus is the solution but when do I get resolutions. I don't know maybe my prayer is wrong. I try to have unselfish, true prayer but obviously I'm missing something. What is it that I'm not doing. What am I missing? What haven't I said? What haven't I done? Don't I deserve happiness or a least those thins that make me happy? I'm invisible. No one can see me.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Yes! Its October almost fall one of my favorite seasons. Its an opportunity to begin again. Its never too late to start over. In these times many over 30 people are beginning to reinvent themselves and that is an absolutely fabulous thing. Even our President endorses change and self preservation. I have a few friends who are going back to school starting business' and I am excited for them. So if you are feeling lost and restless begin to think about what excites you and motivates you and begin again. Its OK. Its actually great, exciting and fun. Dare to dream. I myself have begun to reinvent myself. I have taken on a new task with the youth organization I am a part of, Our Youth matter. I am the new Newsletter Editor. I am excited and nervous. I have been ducking & dodging responsibilities for a year now I just needed a break. But now its time to get busy. Please visit our website & take a look at what we are up to. Our youth need us to show them that they matter. http://www.ouryouthmatter.com/ Also I have committed to ministry at my church Beebe Memorial Cathedral in Oakland. I have been a bench member for almost a year & I have enjoyed it. But I decided to join the Dance ministry. I feel refreshed and renewed. So I encourage you take a huge step back, look in the mirror, pray and began to encourage yourself to start fresh, start new. You wont be disappointed. I promise

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I am very frustrated. I'm trying to maintain because I really think I'm pms-ing but I cant shake this feeling. I'm getting tired of being sick and tired. I feel like I'm marching in place. No movement at all. I have prayed and cried and cried and prayed. I don't like to complain. I am healthy, blessed, employed, loved . But I feel trapped. I don't know if I'm strong enough to stand. I know I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me but I don't know if I have a desire to be this strong. I want it easy. I don't want to fight. My vision totally different than the actual view. I realize in this its not always promised peaches and cream but that's what I want. I'm not angry just over it. Like really I could walk away and feel nothing but relief. In this situation not a good place to be. But I trust God and that old saying if he brought you to it he will bring you through it. So I suppose I am holding on and riding it out. I look to the hills my help comes from the Lord. BUT DEAR LORD COME NOW!!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I woke up early this morning and could not go back to sleep. Normally I will say a quick prayer and wait for a few to hear from God. My mama always told me when you wake up like that God wants you to pray. But this morning I just went to the bathroom and got something to drink and turned on the TV. I feel like a missed the mark this morning. I should have been praying. Some friends of mine tragically lost their brother last night and I feel like that is who I should have been praying for. I know I had no way of knowing what was going on but its moments like this that make me remember. Its not at all about me. Life is about moments and what we can do to help one another. I am not close to these young ladies but I truly admire them. They are an extremely close family so it hurts my heart that they have to go through this.

It made me take a step back and appreciate what I have. I have a brother who I don't see every day but I can still talk to him or see him if I want. So I immediately texts him and told him I loved him and to have a good day. I texts him because I know he was on his way to church. But I will call him later just so I can hear his voice. I have a sister who I pray for daily. I am not sure what is going on with her and I am worried. There is nothing in the street for her. She has a family that loves her and a son that needs her. You can not make someone do what is right. So the tears I cried for those sisters this morning in the loss of their brother. I cried also for my sister. I need her to get her life back on track before its too late. Hug your brother or sister if you can. If you can not reach them call them, email them, text them. Tomorrow is not promised. Pray for your family daily. Love one another and keep God first.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


why should I feel discouraged? Why should I feel less than? why should I feel not pretty enough, not strong enough, not rich enough.? My life,most days, feels so full and so blessed. Then there are those fleeting moments when I'm anxious, apprehensive, defeated, sad. Those are the days when I have to look back over my life about the things God has done. I must reflect on his word. I am the head and not the tail. I am above not beneath. I am more than a conquer through Christ that strengthens me. He will give me the desires of my heart as long as my delight is in him. And he will bless me if I faint not. So I take a deep breath, say a silent prayer & keep it moving. I may not be where I feel I should but my life is full of destiny & purpose. I just have to hold on to God's unchanging hand.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Just came from a screening of a new movie at my Church Beebe Memorial in Oakland, CA that I am very excited about. It is called Pastor Brown . This is a movie about redemption, forgiveness, family, love & finding God. It was well directed by bay area's own Rockmond Dunbar of soul food & Prison Break & so many other films. When you hear about this movie go running to the theatre.

the movie is: "PASTOR BROWN, Jesse (Salli Richardson) reluctantly returns home to face the family and now-teen aged son she left behind more than a decade ago. A powerful update of The Prodigal Son, PASTOR BROWN shows Jesse and her family working through the universal themes of forgiveness, restoration, redemption and unconditional love.With a thought-provoking and motivational message at its core, PASTOR BROWN strengthens and empowers families. It gives viewers the hope and encouragement they need to look honestly at their own journeys. The film stars Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Nicole Ari Parker, Keith David, Michael B Jordan, Ernie Hudson, Michael Beach, Tasha Smith, Rockmond Dunbar, and Creflo Dollar.

We need positive movies about people of color in the theater & on TV. http://www.rockcapitalstudios.com/videosmain.html

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Make peace your goal

At a certain point the light bulb (in your mind) should come on. Some things you used to do when you were younger you should not even want to do anymore. I hear too many "grown people" engaging in destructive behavior & calling it keeping it real. Why after 30 are we still holding grudges? Really you don't like someone cause of something they may have said or done 5 or 10 years ago? Really? We don't speak to folks cause of something we heard or thought someone may have said or done to us? Really? We still don't value each others time or contributions. What I am doing is not more important or of more value than what you may be doing and vice versa. Stop telling people you will do something only to not do it. Its better to not make a vow than to make one and not keep it. Stop worrying about people hating on you and worry about you not hating on someone else. Hate is usually hidden behind someone calling themselves being "constructive" or "helpful" Its a fine line so be careful you're not crossing that line. Its time for us to forgive, support, to love unconditionally. The bible tells us that we need people so this attitude of I am an island by myself and I don't need anyone or anybody is a false sense of security. Free yourself. Love somebody other than yourself. I finally felt love when I allowed myself to love. People have all these walls up and wonder why they are alone. The walls are so thick so high even Joshua would have trouble tearing them down. We need each other. Lord I pray that I never get to a point where I think I don't need you or nobody else. Keep me humble, happy, free to be me. I have forgiven people & I have been in need of forgiving. And its all good. God is the only Judge so you don't have to do his job. Make peace your ultimate goal. Make love a necessity. That it that's all my little two cents ... the world according to me :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Nothing even Matters..this is all that keeps running in my mind. A very close friend suffered a great loss. A loss I can not comprehend at 30 plus. Loosing your mother is a life changing, earth shattering, devastating reality. But even in this God is in control. None of the arbitrary day to day issues matter when it comes down to it. SO I urge you love like you have never loved before. Reach out to those loved ones you have not spoken to because of minor issues. If there are major issues that have forced a wedge between you and your loved ones get it corrected TODAY! Forgiveness is key. WE HAVE TO FORGIVE. WE HAVE TO LOVE. It saddens me that death is what brings people closer together. Reach out now. Don't wait until you cant say what you want to say to someone because its too late. I am making a conscience decision to make sure I call my friends a little more often, make dates and keep them. I' m praying for the relationship with my siblings. I have sisters that don't speak to me. Not my choice. But I have to pray that God will change this. If its me Lord fix me. Life is too short. Its precious and we can not take it for granted. NOTHING EVEN MATTERS! Get your relationships right..TODAY!

Friday, July 10, 2009


I thought I wouldn't care but right now I so do. My color quickly turned from caramel to true blue. Now its green almost red. I'm happy no I'm sad No I'm happy I'm not mad. My life is different now all brand new why should I be trippin about what's happening with you. I'm excited about all the happenings love hearing and seeing the stories and sharing in the excitement but still my heart is aching this is so weird where is this coming from? Is this Jealousy? Longing? envy? What is it? No we don't talk or see each other all the time but still my future I always saw you somewhere in it but now its seems non existent. Eyes closed, taking a deep breath. No tears will be shed. What was that all about?

Monday, July 6, 2009

God's perfect Creation

Reflecting on the recent events, death, destruction, threats, bad economy. I have come to realize I don't have time to care about things I can not change and concentrate on what I can. I can not control how people treat me but I can control how I treat them. I have made up in my mind to work diligently to get my spirit man together. Trust I will live my life and enjoy it but it does not have to include the next big party, the latest fashion or the hottest ride. If that's you do you but I'm 30 plus baby I don't need to impress anyone. God, family then everything else. Now I am in no way suggesting from here on out that I will be perfect. Lord knows I have made my share of mistakes, recent mistakes. But that is why I serve the God I do because only HE can judge me and he waits with open arms to forgive me. Now I realize that I may not get off my rusty dusty every morning to pray with my husband BUT it is my goal. I realize I may not make it to bible study every Wednesday or Service every Sunday BUT it is my goal. I was called a hypocrite one time and it truly hurt to the core. I don't want people to view my life as a contradiction. BUT I will not conform to other peoples opinions about me either. I am not perfect my heavenly father is, there is a difference. So I had to dust off my shoulder and realize I may not be perfect but in God's eyes I am a perfect creation. A work in progess.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Today is father's day. A day set apart to appreciate your father. I have a wonderful father. He came into my life when I was 6 years old. We have never used the word step father. He is my daddy. And he made sure I was loved and cared for. We didn't always get along growing up because I was a teenager and he was a preacher!!! Lord the fights we had. but now that I'm older I appreciate everything he tried to show me so for me this is just another day because I made up in my mind September 2008 to show my dad appreciation everyday.

It was early on September morning middle of the night to be exact. My mother called me frantic. On the way home from a movie my dad began to complain of chest pains, so they pulled over at a gas station. My mother thinking it was a just maybe a panic attack & it would be over soon. But it would not. On lookers helped my mother call an ambulance because now it started to look like dad was having a heart attack. So he was rushed to the hospital. Immediately admitted. Family & friends rush to the hospital to be by my mothers side. I was making a mad dash to the hospital because I was afraid my mother was alone but when I got to the hospital the waiting room was full will with family & friends. I became scared because it looked as if we were preparing for his funeral. My dad wasn't there and people were sitting around talking about how wonderful a person he WAS and how faithful a man of God he WAS. All I'm thinking is take me to my daddy so I can talk to him. If I tell him come on daddy get up maybe he will. He always told me I wasn't the boss of him.

They take me up to my dad's room & it was a site I was not prepared to see. My father one of the strongest men I know. This man moved a whole house by himself including stove & fridge. My father was connected to all kinds of tubes, machines beeping. I had to steady myself as to not break down in front of my mother. They had informed the family that my father had actually suffered an aortic aneurysm it was just a tear it didn't erupt and would take a very dangerous surgery to repair but without it he may not make it. My mother looked to me & my sister to make that decision. If it would save his life the answer was yes. Coming out of surgery my father was almost unrecognizable. Looking at him eyes closed and body swollen. I made up in my mind right there that I would cherish each day with my dad. God had spared his life and any time that I spent with my father or talked to my father I would make it count. My father came out of surgery but he had to spend the next 3 months in and out of ICU. Dad is home now still in therapy but recovering daily. He has his ups & downs BUT God so fit for him to be here so I knew it before but I know for sure now his life has purpose. I'm thankful for my dad. He may talk with a whisper and walk with a gangsta lean but he is here. And every chance I get I show him love. I love you daddy

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


If you asked me a few days ago do I love my husband I would've said of course yes because he is my husband. I have only been married a year and a half. So to be quite honest I was still a little guarded. There was a place I had not allowed my husband to be. I was still thinking in terms of me or I instead of we. But ask me that question today and I will look you in the eye and answer softly yes I love my husband! I fell in love with my husband all over again. Being newly married you don't always make the best decisions or judgements. Actually sometimes you just do some down right ignorant things that you cant take back. Our first real test came recently. Now I have to be totally honest if it was me who had to be forgiving I don't think I would have been so quick in the forgiving or trusting department. But my husband said its ok, I love you. He didn't get angry. I fully expected a declaration of war for a while but nope it didn't happen. I received love, comfort & understanding. The look he gave me was LOVE nothing else. I was afraid I had damaged a part of my marriage that was very important, trust. He simply said I know my wife, I trust you & I love you. I have never felt so safe & secure with anyone outside of my immediate family. After that moment I have resolved that my thoughts & allegiance will be to my husband & my husband only. A marriage has boundaries & lines you just don't cross. We are one and I will never forget that. No he is not perfect but my love for him will be. In this journey I am learning, I will learn. There will be another hill or mountain to climb. But as long as we have love, real love I believe we will be fine.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Have you ever done something so awful that you don't want no body to know not even God but he is the only one you can tell? Yea haven't we all. There are very few things that I regret but as like most people I'm not perfect. It trips me out though because people assume perfection out of me. I am presumed to be the perfect child, the perfect friend or perfect person. This can be a blessing & a curse. Its a blessing because I never have to try to hard to sway people to believe me when I say I'm being genuine. But its a curse because in my life genuine I have not always been. I would love to say I have been 100 all the way but I can not. But my love & dedication to my friends & family has always been real. I regret that I am not as perfect as I would like to be or people think I am. I have never asked or portrayed perfection so forgive me my friends & family if I'm not that. What I am is a real person with real faults, thoughts & feelings and that I do not regret.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm not crazy...its just PMS!!

I really really do not like eve. Who is eve ? The heffa that ate the fruit in the garden so now we have to suffer 2 weeks out of every month. First PMS then the unnecessary bodily fluids we must loose all because of her disobedience..ugg! Women should be allowed to either be off work during this two weeks or if that's not possible they should be placed in a room with chips of choice, music & left alone. Can somebody put that on a ballot? As I get older the PMS becomes worse. I don't like to hear anyone talk let alone breathe. Poor hubby is just a confused soul. He just remains quiet & it took him less than a year to figure that out. No I will not take medication. Its medication they give to crazy people. I am not crazy its just PMS...GRR & ARRG

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


When I was in my 20's I swore that when it came time for my hair to gray I would NEVER dye my hair. Why? I mean that salt and pepper is beautiful, regal and age appropriate. WELL!!! After my 37th birthday I notice this single strand of silver in my 3o something head and I am screaming HECK NO...IT MUST GO!!! Yes Mrs Anderson will be calling up NYHC to wash this gray right outta my head...sorry I aint ready...nope just not ready

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I have decided that after 30 these are the best years of my life. I have embraced where I am. I have celebrated a birthday I am proud to announce I am officially 37. I have the most fab friends. I got so much love this pass Friday that I almost cried. It was beautiful to see my friends, family, co-workers pour in & shower me with love. I was truly humbled & overwhelmed. Then the next day I spent with my hubby & my mommy. Two of the most important people in my life. My mommy spent the whole weekend for Mother's day. It was awesome. Having my mom, mother in law & my 2nd mother in law, hubby & sister in laws. And being able to shower them with love. God blessed me not only emotionally but financially this weekend. I had the best weekend I feel extremely blessed I did all the things I love to do with all the people I love. I ate, sang, danced, shopped, pampered myself & it was amazing. So being 30+ is alright with me :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009


This weekend I had the occasion of having to assist in the care of my grand mother. I mentally debated this idea in my mind. My grandmother is in the early stages of dementia. So she is not competent. She has to be told when to eat, when to go to the bathroom and treated as if she was a child. At times she will act out because of her current state of mind. This worried me because I was not prepared to see my grandma like this. We called her madea. She practically raised me. She was a very strong. So it was hard for me to imagine me having to treat my grandma like a child. But my mom & dad having been caring for her full time for the last 6 months so they really needed a break. So I prayed & put my big girl shoes on & drove to Modesto. My grandma was lying in the bed & she looked so fragile. She saw me & had the biggest smile. She was on her best behavior. I just feed her & talked to her. She seemed happy to have me there which made me happy. When it came time to put her in the bath I was nervous. I ran her bath & left her to her own devices. But then I heard the water draining out of the tub so I went to check on her & she had accidentally taken the plug out. She began apologizing but I eased her my mind & told her I would take care of her. As I sat there bathing my grandma tears began to sting my eyes. I realized all the years she had taken care of me now it was my turn to take care of her. It brought me so much joy to know that I was able to do for her what she was sometimes unable to do for herself. So with mother's day approaching I realized the best gift I could give was to always be there for my mothers. My mother, grandmother & mother in law anyway I can. God has blessed me with some great ones & I will never take them for granted.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

30+ LOVE

I have felt like Charlotte on Sex & the city.."I've been dating since I was 15 where is he?' Little did I know that I wouldn't understand true love until after 30! True love is not about what that person could do for you. It wasn't about some man "taking care" of me. It wasn't about a big fancy wedding or how much money he would make. It was about love & respect & God. With this combination you always win. You can not have a successful relationship without it. He can be rich but without God there is no love & without love there is not respect..ya see? So shout out to my love. He's not ideal, he's not perfect but he is perfect for me. We have a lifetime to get it right & with God on our side perfection & success are right around the corner

Sunday, April 19, 2009


FORGIVENESS..Its not easy but its necessary. I have said & heard people say I will forgive but I will never forget. Pointless! when you forgive you must also forget. Hey I didn't say it was easy I said it was necessary. How do you think Jesus felt going to the cross for people who didn't care about it, wanted him dead, betrayed him? But he did it anyway. His word says we have to forgive if we expect our father in heaven to forgive us. He didn't say you had to hang out with people who did your wrong. But you have to be able to Love them with the Love of Christ. Sure they lied on you, cheated on you, abused you, left you for dead but they did the same thing to Jesus so that is no excuse. Trust they do not get away with mistreating you. So today clear that unforgiveness out of your heart make room for a blessing. Clean out your heart so God can fill it up with the Good stuff. Have you been asking God for somethings & still no answer? Maybe there is some unforgiveness there? Forgive you wont be disappointed

Sunday, April 12, 2009


When I left for college my old Pastor the Late ED Nation Jr told me don't forget God. I was puzzled, how could I do that? I had been raised in church since I was 6 years old. I got baptized at 6 & when he asked me do you accept Jesus as your personal savior I said yes. He said do you know who Jesus is I said yes because I did. I never doubted the existence of Jesus so I didn't understand why he told me that, until I got to college. Well lets say until I went to school in CA. Because down south at the HBCU Southern University God was always represented. But in CA schools I heard so much God bashing I could barely finish my Biology class. The teacher always said "we aren't going to talk about that God Jazz". I couldn't believe how could somebody talk about God like that after all he has done. And is just got worse on my job I work with atheists & how they talk about the Lord is scary. But I say a silent prayer for them. I ask God to do what Jesus asked forgive for they know not what they do. I pray that God gives them a chance to say yes before its too late. And I now know why my Pastor told me not to forget. Cause people have challenged my faith. I don't argue I don't debate. I just tell what faith is, the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. I know my worship experiences are real. I know what God has done for me. So I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So on this Great Sunday I thank God sending his only son to be a living sacrifice so shalonda might live. I am glad that Jesus was beaten & bruised, hung up on a cross, crucified & died for my sins. But he was always in Control. He laid down his life that I might live BUT on the third day he got up with all power in his hands. Now you can believe or not BUT every knee shall bow & every tongue will confess that he is Lord.
God loves you & so do I...Happy Resurrection Sunday

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I would like to think after 30 I would've learned how to handle my anger, hurt or disappointment. But there are those times or those people that can pull you out of your 30 plus mature character you believe yourself to have become. There is always a hot button don't touch me or talk about my mama. So juvenile but so..so..so relevant. You talk all the smack you want to about me, call me names even but put your hands on me or your mouth on my my mama & we got a problem. Even at 36 I am learning that even these little things can turn into big things. But I have become, by the grace of God, slightly more mature. I have learned to recognize the devil when he is working & I have had to learn how to get myself under control. I can not control how people treat me but I can definitely control how I treat them. Although today I wanna fight I have to look at the example of Jesus. On the night he was betrayed he knew the one to betray him was going to eat at his table, he even washed this dudes feet!!!! Jesus didn't get mad, he didn't cuss, he still went to the cross & laid down his life. Now I aint Jesus so there will be no laying down of the life BUT I can pray for the person who hurt me & not hurt them. Pray & ask God to forgive them & get them to a place of repentance before its too late. I got my Big Girl shoes on for real :)


You know in my 20's I actually cared what people said about me or thought about me. I'm so glad to be grown & 30 I could give a fat rat what people have to say. This morning someone tried to hurt me indirectly. You know how people are they say S*it to try to get a rise out of you so you can confront them & they can say what makes you think I'm talking about you...HMMMM. Now maybe 7 or 8 years ago I would be ready to fight now or I would be mad at this person forever because it is a friend. But since 30 (and my salvation) I can recognize MESS when I see it & step over it. Thank God for 30 fo sho

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Well I'm so excited don't even know where to begin. I wanted to begin a blog & had no idea what to do, still don't but at least its a start. Well I am 36 soon to be 37 & I must say my 30's have been some of the best times of my life. The "world" would have you believe that your life is almost over but I believe its just beginning. At 30 I discovered me. I discovered my body (fun), my likes, my dislikes, my insecurities (not so fun), my dreams, my goals & that later still yet to be accomplished but I'm trying. 30 is where it all begins. My generation is I believe to be the last of the fantastic generations. We are FAB but we could be better. All things in this world ride on what we do. Some of us have had great success. More of us have gone to college, become business owners, property owners, trail blazers. So what's up 30 somethings what do you want to talk about, share, offer, blog about...Let's do it!