Thursday, August 5, 2010


Proposition 8 is back in the news. This is a debate that makes me cringe every time it comes up. This is when as a Christian I shake my head in shame. Its fine if you want to say that marriage is between a man & woman because God said so BUT unless you do EVERYTHING else the bible says too you might want to keep your mouth closed. You can't argue what God says if you're not living right. I can not stand when folks get on their soap box. How do you argue what God says & you are only keeping 1 of the 10 commandments. How can you argue what God says & you fornicate (a clear no no in the bible), lie, cheat, steal, unforgiving, judgemental or simply Mean as Hell. God hates Gays? NO GOD HATES SIN! He is not pleased with the mean & hateful. He doesn't need folks randomly fighting his battles. He's been doing it since HE created the heavens & the earth. Where you there? Jesus went to the cross for EVERYONE. Its our Job to love & spread the Good news of God's love. GOD DOES THE CHANGING NOT YOU!