Sunday, April 26, 2009

30+ LOVE

I have felt like Charlotte on Sex & the city.."I've been dating since I was 15 where is he?' Little did I know that I wouldn't understand true love until after 30! True love is not about what that person could do for you. It wasn't about some man "taking care" of me. It wasn't about a big fancy wedding or how much money he would make. It was about love & respect & God. With this combination you always win. You can not have a successful relationship without it. He can be rich but without God there is no love & without love there is not respect..ya see? So shout out to my love. He's not ideal, he's not perfect but he is perfect for me. We have a lifetime to get it right & with God on our side perfection & success are right around the corner

Sunday, April 19, 2009


FORGIVENESS..Its not easy but its necessary. I have said & heard people say I will forgive but I will never forget. Pointless! when you forgive you must also forget. Hey I didn't say it was easy I said it was necessary. How do you think Jesus felt going to the cross for people who didn't care about it, wanted him dead, betrayed him? But he did it anyway. His word says we have to forgive if we expect our father in heaven to forgive us. He didn't say you had to hang out with people who did your wrong. But you have to be able to Love them with the Love of Christ. Sure they lied on you, cheated on you, abused you, left you for dead but they did the same thing to Jesus so that is no excuse. Trust they do not get away with mistreating you. So today clear that unforgiveness out of your heart make room for a blessing. Clean out your heart so God can fill it up with the Good stuff. Have you been asking God for somethings & still no answer? Maybe there is some unforgiveness there? Forgive you wont be disappointed

Sunday, April 12, 2009


When I left for college my old Pastor the Late ED Nation Jr told me don't forget God. I was puzzled, how could I do that? I had been raised in church since I was 6 years old. I got baptized at 6 & when he asked me do you accept Jesus as your personal savior I said yes. He said do you know who Jesus is I said yes because I did. I never doubted the existence of Jesus so I didn't understand why he told me that, until I got to college. Well lets say until I went to school in CA. Because down south at the HBCU Southern University God was always represented. But in CA schools I heard so much God bashing I could barely finish my Biology class. The teacher always said "we aren't going to talk about that God Jazz". I couldn't believe how could somebody talk about God like that after all he has done. And is just got worse on my job I work with atheists & how they talk about the Lord is scary. But I say a silent prayer for them. I ask God to do what Jesus asked forgive for they know not what they do. I pray that God gives them a chance to say yes before its too late. And I now know why my Pastor told me not to forget. Cause people have challenged my faith. I don't argue I don't debate. I just tell what faith is, the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. I know my worship experiences are real. I know what God has done for me. So I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So on this Great Sunday I thank God sending his only son to be a living sacrifice so shalonda might live. I am glad that Jesus was beaten & bruised, hung up on a cross, crucified & died for my sins. But he was always in Control. He laid down his life that I might live BUT on the third day he got up with all power in his hands. Now you can believe or not BUT every knee shall bow & every tongue will confess that he is Lord.
God loves you & so do I...Happy Resurrection Sunday

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I would like to think after 30 I would've learned how to handle my anger, hurt or disappointment. But there are those times or those people that can pull you out of your 30 plus mature character you believe yourself to have become. There is always a hot button don't touch me or talk about my mama. So juvenile but relevant. You talk all the smack you want to about me, call me names even but put your hands on me or your mouth on my my mama & we got a problem. Even at 36 I am learning that even these little things can turn into big things. But I have become, by the grace of God, slightly more mature. I have learned to recognize the devil when he is working & I have had to learn how to get myself under control. I can not control how people treat me but I can definitely control how I treat them. Although today I wanna fight I have to look at the example of Jesus. On the night he was betrayed he knew the one to betray him was going to eat at his table, he even washed this dudes feet!!!! Jesus didn't get mad, he didn't cuss, he still went to the cross & laid down his life. Now I aint Jesus so there will be no laying down of the life BUT I can pray for the person who hurt me & not hurt them. Pray & ask God to forgive them & get them to a place of repentance before its too late. I got my Big Girl shoes on for real :)


You know in my 20's I actually cared what people said about me or thought about me. I'm so glad to be grown & 30 I could give a fat rat what people have to say. This morning someone tried to hurt me indirectly. You know how people are they say S*it to try to get a rise out of you so you can confront them & they can say what makes you think I'm talking about you...HMMMM. Now maybe 7 or 8 years ago I would be ready to fight now or I would be mad at this person forever because it is a friend. But since 30 (and my salvation) I can recognize MESS when I see it & step over it. Thank God for 30 fo sho

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Well I'm so excited don't even know where to begin. I wanted to begin a blog & had no idea what to do, still don't but at least its a start. Well I am 36 soon to be 37 & I must say my 30's have been some of the best times of my life. The "world" would have you believe that your life is almost over but I believe its just beginning. At 30 I discovered me. I discovered my body (fun), my likes, my dislikes, my insecurities (not so fun), my dreams, my goals & that later still yet to be accomplished but I'm trying. 30 is where it all begins. My generation is I believe to be the last of the fantastic generations. We are FAB but we could be better. All things in this world ride on what we do. Some of us have had great success. More of us have gone to college, become business owners, property owners, trail blazers. So what's up 30 somethings what do you want to talk about, share, offer, blog about...Let's do it!