Sunday, May 23, 2010


Its a wave of emotions. Slowly moving through my mind, my body and my soul. Happiness feels great I smile I feel warm I feel calm. Here comes the wave of love. This wave is physical. Its hot, passionate and longing. This wave that's coming I don't like. Its regret. Awaken by memories romanticized from a new photo that brings up old feelings. Good then bad then sad now mad. Waiting for the next wave which is relief.Hope it comes soon cause this wave is making me sick emotionally. But I will ride it it out because no matter what it feels like I'm on the right path.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


This Sunday the country sets aside time to celebrates moms. Celebrate them for their hard work & dedication. I know some fantastic Mother's Mine is one of the best. She has made so many sacrifices for me. She is prayer warrior, a best friend, a worrier, a problem solver, a nag & one of the great loves of my life. I show her I love her all the time but I try to make a big deal out of this day for her its the least I could do. So for me having my mom here is Sweet :)

This day is bitter because I have friends who don't have their mom. I'm sure there are no words that could make this time feel better. So I say to those who have lost their mom. You never loose her. She is always there in your heart. Your mom raised some beautiful daughters, mothers & friends. Use this time to remember the GREAT times you had with her while she was here. And rest in knowing that whatever her failure or short comings when she had you & raised you that was her greatest triumph. She is proud so you can smile.