Thursday, July 29, 2010


I come from a small family. Outside of my immediate family (mom,dad,sisters,brother) we are not particularly close to extended family members aunts, uncles, cousins etc. We once were. But with most families (black families) in particular once "big mama" died the family separated. When my great grandma was alive we would have thanksgiving at my aunts & Christmas at my great uncles every year. The cousins used to dress alike every Christmas. Those days growing up as a child were heavenly. There was fishing and camping every year with my uncle. But once he died that stopped. Once Great Gran died so did the holiday dinners. Each family went their own way with their own celebrations. Some siblings stopped speaking to each other haven't spoken to each other in decades. Now here we are with only a few of the elders in the family left. My mother, a few cousins and I are trying to get the family back together. At least once a year at least one time before we have to see each other at a funeral. I must say this is a chore. If its not the location, its the date, if its not the date, its the menu. All we want to do is get together with the family. It is my wish that folks will put their differences, hurts and issues to the side and come together for an afternoon of love and family. If you are blessed to have your entire family still in contact with one another cherish this because not every one has it. And I urge you if you all have lost contact like my family make it a priority to get them together before the end of the year before its too late. We all we got.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010