Sunday, June 21, 2009


Today is father's day. A day set apart to appreciate your father. I have a wonderful father. He came into my life when I was 6 years old. We have never used the word step father. He is my daddy. And he made sure I was loved and cared for. We didn't always get along growing up because I was a teenager and he was a preacher!!! Lord the fights we had. but now that I'm older I appreciate everything he tried to show me so for me this is just another day because I made up in my mind September 2008 to show my dad appreciation everyday.

It was early on September morning middle of the night to be exact. My mother called me frantic. On the way home from a movie my dad began to complain of chest pains, so they pulled over at a gas station. My mother thinking it was a just maybe a panic attack & it would be over soon. But it would not. On lookers helped my mother call an ambulance because now it started to look like dad was having a heart attack. So he was rushed to the hospital. Immediately admitted. Family & friends rush to the hospital to be by my mothers side. I was making a mad dash to the hospital because I was afraid my mother was alone but when I got to the hospital the waiting room was full will with family & friends. I became scared because it looked as if we were preparing for his funeral. My dad wasn't there and people were sitting around talking about how wonderful a person he WAS and how faithful a man of God he WAS. All I'm thinking is take me to my daddy so I can talk to him. If I tell him come on daddy get up maybe he will. He always told me I wasn't the boss of him.

They take me up to my dad's room & it was a site I was not prepared to see. My father one of the strongest men I know. This man moved a whole house by himself including stove & fridge. My father was connected to all kinds of tubes, machines beeping. I had to steady myself as to not break down in front of my mother. They had informed the family that my father had actually suffered an aortic aneurysm it was just a tear it didn't erupt and would take a very dangerous surgery to repair but without it he may not make it. My mother looked to me & my sister to make that decision. If it would save his life the answer was yes. Coming out of surgery my father was almost unrecognizable. Looking at him eyes closed and body swollen. I made up in my mind right there that I would cherish each day with my dad. God had spared his life and any time that I spent with my father or talked to my father I would make it count. My father came out of surgery but he had to spend the next 3 months in and out of ICU. Dad is home now still in therapy but recovering daily. He has his ups & downs BUT God so fit for him to be here so I knew it before but I know for sure now his life has purpose. I'm thankful for my dad. He may talk with a whisper and walk with a gangsta lean but he is here. And every chance I get I show him love. I love you daddy

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


If you asked me a few days ago do I love my husband I would've said of course yes because he is my husband. I have only been married a year and a half. So to be quite honest I was still a little guarded. There was a place I had not allowed my husband to be. I was still thinking in terms of me or I instead of we. But ask me that question today and I will look you in the eye and answer softly yes I love my husband! I fell in love with my husband all over again. Being newly married you don't always make the best decisions or judgements. Actually sometimes you just do some down right ignorant things that you cant take back. Our first real test came recently. Now I have to be totally honest if it was me who had to be forgiving I don't think I would have been so quick in the forgiving or trusting department. But my husband said its ok, I love you. He didn't get angry. I fully expected a declaration of war for a while but nope it didn't happen. I received love, comfort & understanding. The look he gave me was LOVE nothing else. I was afraid I had damaged a part of my marriage that was very important, trust. He simply said I know my wife, I trust you & I love you. I have never felt so safe & secure with anyone outside of my immediate family. After that moment I have resolved that my thoughts & allegiance will be to my husband & my husband only. A marriage has boundaries & lines you just don't cross. We are one and I will never forget that. No he is not perfect but my love for him will be. In this journey I am learning, I will learn. There will be another hill or mountain to climb. But as long as we have love, real love I believe we will be fine.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Have you ever done something so awful that you don't want no body to know not even God but he is the only one you can tell? Yea haven't we all. There are very few things that I regret but as like most people I'm not perfect. It trips me out though because people assume perfection out of me. I am presumed to be the perfect child, the perfect friend or perfect person. This can be a blessing & a curse. Its a blessing because I never have to try to hard to sway people to believe me when I say I'm being genuine. But its a curse because in my life genuine I have not always been. I would love to say I have been 100 all the way but I can not. But my love & dedication to my friends & family has always been real. I regret that I am not as perfect as I would like to be or people think I am. I have never asked or portrayed perfection so forgive me my friends & family if I'm not that. What I am is a real person with real faults, thoughts & feelings and that I do not regret.