Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Nothing even Matters..this is all that keeps running in my mind. A very close friend suffered a great loss. A loss I can not comprehend at 30 plus. Loosing your mother is a life changing, earth shattering, devastating reality. But even in this God is in control. None of the arbitrary day to day issues matter when it comes down to it. SO I urge you love like you have never loved before. Reach out to those loved ones you have not spoken to because of minor issues. If there are major issues that have forced a wedge between you and your loved ones get it corrected TODAY! Forgiveness is key. WE HAVE TO FORGIVE. WE HAVE TO LOVE. It saddens me that death is what brings people closer together. Reach out now. Don't wait until you cant say what you want to say to someone because its too late. I am making a conscience decision to make sure I call my friends a little more often, make dates and keep them. I' m praying for the relationship with my siblings. I have sisters that don't speak to me. Not my choice. But I have to pray that God will change this. If its me Lord fix me. Life is too short. Its precious and we can not take it for granted. NOTHING EVEN MATTERS! Get your relationships right..TODAY!

Friday, July 10, 2009


I thought I wouldn't care but right now I so do. My color quickly turned from caramel to true blue. Now its green almost red. I'm happy no I'm sad No I'm happy I'm not mad. My life is different now all brand new why should I be trippin about what's happening with you. I'm excited about all the happenings love hearing and seeing the stories and sharing in the excitement but still my heart is aching this is so weird where is this coming from? Is this Jealousy? Longing? envy? What is it? No we don't talk or see each other all the time but still my future I always saw you somewhere in it but now its seems non existent. Eyes closed, taking a deep breath. No tears will be shed. What was that all about?

Monday, July 6, 2009

God's perfect Creation

Reflecting on the recent events, death, destruction, threats, bad economy. I have come to realize I don't have time to care about things I can not change and concentrate on what I can. I can not control how people treat me but I can control how I treat them. I have made up in my mind to work diligently to get my spirit man together. Trust I will live my life and enjoy it but it does not have to include the next big party, the latest fashion or the hottest ride. If that's you do you but I'm 30 plus baby I don't need to impress anyone. God, family then everything else. Now I am in no way suggesting from here on out that I will be perfect. Lord knows I have made my share of mistakes, recent mistakes. But that is why I serve the God I do because only HE can judge me and he waits with open arms to forgive me. Now I realize that I may not get off my rusty dusty every morning to pray with my husband BUT it is my goal. I realize I may not make it to bible study every Wednesday or Service every Sunday BUT it is my goal. I was called a hypocrite one time and it truly hurt to the core. I don't want people to view my life as a contradiction. BUT I will not conform to other peoples opinions about me either. I am not perfect my heavenly father is, there is a difference. So I had to dust off my shoulder and realize I may not be perfect but in God's eyes I am a perfect creation. A work in progess.